Things I need to know when I start yoga
Things to know about yoga -brochure
Clothing should be loose and comfortable to allow easy movement of the body. If preferred, bring socks and a pullover for more warmth during the relaxation.
- Don’t eat 1 - 2 hours before yoga class. A full stomach will make you uncomfortable for asana practice and tired for meditation.
- Please be on time to classes so as not to disturb others or miss the beginning relaxation.
- Please turn off cell phones before entering the yoga room.
- Allow yourself to relax. Relaxation is not a luxury! It’s a necessity for everyone in order to create the balance we are looking for.
- Avoid forcing stretches. The emphasis is on “letting go” rather than pushing the body through borders of pain. Know and respect your limitations before gradually expanding them.
- Relax into the postures and experiment with ways each one best suits you.
- Keep the focus on yourself. Simply be aware of your abilities and don’t compare or compete with others. Yoga is for everyone regardless of age, level of fitness or state of health.
- Concentrate on your breathing in each of the yoga postures. Your breath will help the body relax and keep the mind focused. Maintaining breath awareness promotes steady progress.
- Be aware during the class of your body and mind. Heighten your sensitivity to areas of tension or discomfort in your body, and observe your thoughts as they come and go. With ongoing practice, we can carry this heightened awareness into our daily life.
- Rest when you need to! Use resting time to reflect and absorb your yoga experience.
Cautions I should know about
Let the teacher know of any injuries or relevant medical information such as high blood pressure, especially if you are new or have a new teacher. Then we are better able to guide your practice to keep it safe by offering variations on certain exercises.
- During menstruation we recommend practicing the more gentle yoga exercises and avoiding inverted poses, being careful not to exert the body.
- Pregnant women should seek a health care practitioner’s recommendation before taking classes. Please inform the instructor which trimester you are in, so that appropriate variations can be suggested. Meditation and relaxation is wonderfully beneficial for mother and child.
Yoga words
Asana = Yoga posture, movement or exercise
- Full Yoga Breath = inhaling deeply without force, first into the lower lungs, feeling the abdomen rise, then filling the mid-portion of the lungs, feeling side-ribs expand and finally taking the breath to the top of the lungs, feeling top of the chest rise. Exhaling slowly and gently, and relax.
- Pranayama = yogic breathing techniques. These are effectively used as tools for managing stress and preparing the mind for meditation.
- Meditation = practical techniques used to focus the mind and attain peace of mind.
- Yoga Nidra = a deep relaxation technique that provides profound physical and mental relaxation. The ability to deeply relax at will strengthens one's sense of inner peace and calm.
The benefits of Yoga in Daily Life
You will receive benefits such as:
- Less Stress
- Improved Posture
- Body Strength and Flexibility
- Relaxed Breathing
- Clear Thinking
- Self Confidence
- More Energy
- Inner Peace and True Happiness